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Penguin Books — британський видавничий дім, заснований Алленом Лейном та його братами Річардом та Джоном 1935-го року. Візитівкою видавництва є висока якість видань у поєднанні з доступними цінами.

Книги видавництва Penguin Books

Герман Гессе
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2011 Категорія: Класика
'The unhappiness that I need and long for . . . is of the kind that will let me suffer with eagerness and die with lust. That is the unhappiness, or happiness, that I am waiting for.' Alienated from society, Harry Haller is the Steppenwolf, wild, strange and shy. His despair and desire for death
365 грн
Натаніель Готорн
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 1994 Категорія: Класика
Set in the harsh Puritan community of seventeenth-century Boston, this tale of an adulterous entanglement that results in an illegitimate birth reveals Nathaniel Hawthorne's concerns with the tension between the public and the private selves. Publicly disgraced and ostracized, Hester Prynne draws
97 грн
Кері Сміт
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2011 Категорія: Non-fiction іноземними мовами
ПРО КНИЖКУ One dark and stormy night, author Keri Smith found some strange scattered pages abandoned in a park. She collected and assembled them, trying to solve the mystery of this unexpected discovery, and now she's passing the task on to you, her readers. Your mission is to become the new
522 грн
Джеймі Олівер
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2010 Категорія: Non-fiction іноземними мовами
ПРО КНИЖКУ Explore Jamie's Italy - travel on a culinary tour with Jamie Oliver Ever since working at the River Cafe for Ruth Rogers and Rose Gray, Jamie Oliver has had a serious passion for Italian food. Now, ten years later, Italy and its wonderful flavours continue to have a major influence
726 грн
Джордж Орвелл
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2018 Категорія: Класика
'The general uncertainty as to what is really happening makes it easier to cling to lunatic beliefs' Biting and timeless reflections on patriotism, prejudice and power, from the man who wrote about his nation better than anyone. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering
150 грн
Ґай Кавасакі
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2012 Категорія: Non-fiction іноземними мовами
ПРО КНИЖКУ Enchantment, as defined by bestselling business guru Guy Kawasaki, is not about manipulating people. It transforms situations and relationships. It converts hostility into civility and civility into affinity. It changes skeptics and cynics into believers and the undecided into the
420 грн
Джоджо Мойєс
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2015-2022 Категорія: Сучасна література
ПРО КНИЖКУ Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick. What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that
502 грн
Джонатан Сафран Фоєр
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2006 Категорія: Сучасна література
ПРО КНИЖКУ Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is Jonathan Safran Foer's heartrending New York novel In a vase in a closet, a couple of years after his father died in 9/11, nine-year-old Oskar discovers a key . . . The key belonged to his father, he's sure of that. But which of New York's
420 грн
Джонатан Сафран Фоєр
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2016 Категорія: Сучасна література
ПРО КНИЖКУ Everything Is Illuminated is Jonathan Safran Foer's bestselling novel of a search for truthThe inspiration for the Liev Schreiber film, starring Elijah WoodA young man arrives in the Ukraine, clutching in his hand a tattered photograph. He is searching for the woman who fifty years
450 грн
Кері Сміт
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2014 Категорія: Non-fiction іноземними мовами
ПРО КНИЖКУ What kind of world would you like to inhabit?' Here, Keri Smith begins with a list. Writing down everything the reader is drawn to, from things they love or collect to things that fascinate and excite, including objects, colours, sounds, textures, memories, places and people, the
547 грн
Девід Герберт Лоуренс
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2016 Категорія: Класика
'So Ursula became the child of her father's heart.' The Rainbow tells the story of three generations of the Brangwen family and their struggles with each other and themselves. Beautiful, strange and with a power all its own, The Rainbow redefined the English novel. A new series of twenty
196 грн
Альбер Камю
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2018 Категорія: Класика
'To create today is to create dangerously' Camus argues passionately that the artist has a responsibility to challenge, provoke and speak up for those who cannot in this powerful speech, accompanied here by two others. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the
174 грн
Редьярд Кіплінг
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2013 Категорія: Дитячі книжки англійською мовою
Rudyard Kipling's beloved collection of short stories about a boy raised by wolves who learns the Laws of the Jungle. Mowgli, lost in the deep jungle as a child, is adopted into a family of wolves. Hunted by Shere Khan, the Bengal tiger, Mowgli is allowed to run with the wolf pack under the
134 грн
Кері Сміт
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2016 Категорія: Non-fiction іноземними мовами
You are electing to join a secret underground movement. Membership will require you to conduct research on your immediate environment and complete a variety of assignments designed to creatively disrupt your everyday life. That is all you need to know for now. All else will be revealed in time.
410 грн
Генрі Ален-Фурньє
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2016 Категорія: Класика
'He too began to chase the great pierrot through the corridors of the chateau...' A novel of desperate yearning and vanished adolescence, the story of Meaulnes and his restless search for a lost, enchanted world has the atmosphere of a dream and the purity of a fairy tale. A new series of
158 грн
Ліян Моріарті
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2017-2022 Категорія: Сучасна література
ПРО КНИЖКУ Madeline is a force to be reckoned with. She’s funny and biting, passionate, she remembers everything and forgives no one. Her ex-husband and his yogi new wife have moved into her beloved beachside community, and their daughter is in the same kindergarten class as Madeline’s youngest
500 грн
Альфред Рассел Воллес
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2016 Категорія: Класика
'I slept very comfortably with half a dozen smoke-dried human skulls suspended over my head' The great Victorian scientist's heroic adventures across South-East Asia, from Singapore to the wilds of New Guinea, encountering head-hunters, jungles, birds of paradise and new discoveries that would
158 грн
Джеймс Джойс
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2000 Категорія: Класика
James Joyce's Dubliners is an enthralling collection of modernist short stories which create a vivid picture of the day-to-day experience of Dublin life. This Penguin Classics edition includes notes and an introduction by Terence Brown. Joyce's first major work, written when he was only
417 грн
Девід Герберт Лоуренс
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2011 Категорія: Класика
The marriage of Gertrude and Walter Morel has become a battleground. Repelled by her uneducated and sometimes violent husband, delicate Gertrude devotes her life to her children, especially to her sons, William and Paul - determined they will not follow their father into working down the coal
97 грн
Томас Гарді
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2009 Категорія: Класика
In a fit of drunken anger, Michael Henchard sells his wife and baby daughter for five guineas at a country fair. Over the course of the following years, he manages to establish himself as a respected and prosperous pillar of the community of Casterbridge, but behind his success there always lurk
97 грн

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