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Емілія Гарт

Книга «Weyward»

Тип книги:

Паперова 462 грн
Книга в наявності
Відправка: 28.06.2024
Наш Формат
Автор Емілія Гарт
Видавництво Harper Collins
Рік видання 2024
Палітурка м'яка
ISBN 978-000-8499-12-9
Кількість сторінок 374
Мова англійська
Розмір 129 x 198 мм
Категорія Сучасна література
Артикул 947950
Емілія Гарт - «Weyward»
462 грн

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Відповідно до Постанови Кабінету Міністрів України від 19 березня 1994 р. №172, друковані видання належної якості обміну (поверненню) не підлягають.

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Попередня дата відправки:
У п'ятницю (28.06.2024)

Про що книга «Weyward» автора Емілія Гарт

I am a Weyward, and wild inside.

2019: Under cover of darkness, Kate flees London for ramshackle Weyward Cottage, inherited from a great aunt she barely remembers. With its tumbling ivy and overgrown garden, the cottage is worlds away from the abusive partner who tormented Kate. But she begins to suspect that her great aunt had a secret. One that lurks in the bones of the cottage, hidden ever since the witch-hunts of the 17th century.

1619: Altha is awaiting trial for the murder of a local farmer who was stampeded to death by his herd. As a girl, Altha’s mother taught her their magic, a kind not rooted in spell casting but in a deep knowledge of the natural world. But unusual women have always been deemed dangerous, and as the evidence for witchcraft is set out against Altha, she knows it will take all of her powers to maintain her freedom.

1942: As World War II rages, Violet is trapped in her family's grand, crumbling estate. Straitjacketed by societal convention, she longs for the robust education her brother receives––and for her mother, long deceased, who was rumored to have gone mad before her death. The only traces Violet has of her are a locket bearing the initial W and the word weyward scratched into the baseboard of her bedroom.

Weaving together the stories of three extraordinary women across five centuries, Emilia Hart's Weyward is an enthralling novel of female resilience and the transformative power of the natural world.

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