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Антуанетт Мойсес

Книга «CER 1. John Doe (with Downloadable Audio)»

Артикул: 905564
Паперова 196 грн
Книга в наявності
Відправка: 14.02.2025
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Автор Антуанетт Мойсес
Видавництво Cambridge University Press
Рік видання 1999
Палітурка м'яка
ISBN 9780521656191
Кількість сторінок 32
Мова англійська
Серія Cambridge English Readers
Рівень по CEFR Початковий рівень - Beginner level (A1) , Елементарний рівень — Elementary level (A1-A2)
Антуанетт Мойсес - «CER 1. John Doe (with Downloadable Audio)»
196 грн

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У п'ятницю (14.02.2025)

Про що книга «CER 1. John Doe (with Downloadable Audio)» автора Антуанетт Мойсес

Cambridge English Readers – семирівнева серія адаптованих книг англійською мовою. Ця серія пропонує широку різноманітність текстів для читання. Містить сучасний матеріал, аудіо CD удосконалює навички вимови, аудіювання та говоріння.

Книги різних стилів та жанрів задовольнять будь-який смак, серія Cambridge English Readers пропонує високоякісну літературу, яка обов'язково сподобається читачам.

Підтримується сайтом cambridge.org/readers, який містить статті, рекомендації та поради вчителям від експертів, а також допомагає підібрати необхідний для учнів рівень книги.

Посібники із серії «Cambridge English Readers» рівня «1»:

  • CER 1. Bad Love (with Downloadable Audio). American English / CER 1. Bad Love (with Audio CD Pack) - Detective Flick Laine meets handsome Dr Jack Daly at a party in Denver, USA. When Daly calls later, inviting her to meet him to 'talk about something', she accepts. But before they can talk, the doctor is found dead in an apparent case of suicide. Flick is put in charge of the investigation. How did the doctor die? And what has love to do with it?
  • CER 1. The Big Picture (with Downloadable Audio) / CER 1. The Big Picture (with Audio CD Pack) - The right place at the right time? Photographer Ken Harada thinks so when he gets a fantastic photo of a famous sumo star who is visiting Tokyo. However, it becomes clear that somebody wants that photo badly and will do anything to get it. Life suddenly becomes very dangerous for Ken and when he develops the photo he realises why.
  • CER 1. Blood Diamonds (with Downloadable Audio) / CER 1. Blood Diamonds (with Audio CD Pack) - Diamonds smuggled from the bloody civil-war zones of Africa and traded illegally for weapons are known as 'blood diamonds'. London journalists Harley Kirkpatrick and Annie Shepherd sense the scoop of a lifetime when they try to trap a deal in the diamonds. But who is trapping who and are the people involved what they seem?
  • CER 1. Don't Stop Now! (with Downloadable Audio) / CER 1. Don't Stop Now! (with Audio CD Pack) - A brick smashes the window of a family-run Internet caf in central London. A message comes with it: "Don't Stop Now!". Matt, a frequent visitor to the caf, offers to help Kate and her family. But Kate's father won't tell Matt what the message means. What is Kate's family secret? And who are the men ready to do anything to stop Matt finding out?
  • CER 1. Help! (with Downloadable Audio) / CER 1. Help! (with Audio CD Pack) - A struggling writer and a computer with a mind of its own fight for control of the writer's story and destiny. When Frank Wormold buys a computer to help him with his writing, he gets a lot more help than he wants. The ensuing battle of wills between himself and the computer makes Frank realise what the important things in life really are.
  • CER 1. Hotel Casanova (with Downloadable Audio) / CER 1. Hotel Casanova (with Audio CD Pack) - Life and death in Venice. A young man and a beautiful woman meet and fall in love in the most romantic city in the world. She makes his dreams come true, but what does the future hold for them and what price must they pay for their happiness?
  • CER 1. Inspector Logan (with Downloadable Audio) / CER 1. Inspector Logan (with Audio CD Pack) - A missing woman and a dead body welcome Inspector Jenny Logan to her new job with the Edinburgh police. Logan questions the husband of the dead woman and a local doctor about the murder, but can she believe what they say? Then, a piece of jewellery leads Logan to the killer.
  • CER 1. John Doe (with Downloadable Audio) / CER 1. John Doe (with Audio CD Pack) - A man is found on the street, and taken to hospital. He appears unable to tell the doctor who he is, or where he comes from, but has he really lost his memory? The man is playing a dangerous game, and really knows a lot more than he is prepared to say. When he leaves the hospital, he goes to the house of the nurse who looked after him, and events take a very sinister turn.
  • CER 1. Just Like a Movie (with Downloadable Audio) / CER 1. Just Like a Movie (with Audio CD Pack) - Brad and his girlfriend Gina love the movies and go every Saturday night. They want to get married but haven't got much money. Then one day, Brad gets an idea from a movie about how to make a lot of money - an idea that involves murder. But Brad's plan doesn't go quite as he hoped and he discovers that real life doesn't always have a happy ending.Contains a paperback and Audio CD with complete text recordings from the book.
  • CER 1. Next Door to Love (with Downloadable Audio) / CER 1. Next Door to Love (with Audio CD Pack) - Stella is curious about her attractive new London neighbour, Tony. She gradually gets to know Tony - and also his young daughter, Daisy. But Stella and Tony's growing relationship is threatened when Tony's ex-wife makes plans to move away with Daisy. How can Tony keep Daisy? And how can Stella keep Tony?
  • CER 1. Parallel (with Downloadable Audio) / CER 1. Parallel (with Audio CD Pack) - Max Holland, an assassin for hire, receives a lucrative offer from a mysterious man. But the man's instructions are rather strange and Max isn't sure whether to believe him. It is the start of a job that leads Max to a very unusual place - a world where Max makes a life-changing decision.
  • CER 1. Ten Long Years (with Downloadable Audio) / CER 1. Ten Long Years (with Audio CD Pack) - New York private investigator Nat Marley meets a stranger who is celebrating his release from prison after a ten-year sentence. The man wants to trace an old friend and reclaim the money which the friend is holding for him. Finding the 'friend' turns out to be relatively easy, but getting hold of the money is quite another matter.
  • CER 1. Three Tomorrows (with Downloadable Audio) / CER 1. Three Tomorrows (with Audio CD Pack) - Three stories to make you think, set in the near future, 100 years and 1500 years from now. The end of spam - a curse or a blessing? Are people robots? What happens to the last brain in the world?

Відгуки про книгу «CER 1. John Doe (with Downloadable Audio)»

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Антуанетт Мойсес
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Антуанетт Мойсес
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Рік видання: 2009 Палітурка: м'яка
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Рік видання: 2006 Палітурка: м'яка
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Рік видання: 2010 Палітурка: м'яка
Антуанетт Мойсес
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Рік видання: 2002 Палітурка: м'яка
Антуанетт Мойсес
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Рік видання: 1999 Палітурка: м'яка
Антуанетт Мойсес
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Рік видання: 2006 Палітурка: м'яка
Антуанетт Мойсес
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Рік видання: 1999 Палітурка: м'яка
Антуанетт Мойсес
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Рік видання: 2002 Палітурка: м'яка
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