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Нік Харріс

Книга «CDIR Level A2. The Greatest Invention of All Time (Book with Online Access)»

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Паперова 216 грн
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Відправка: 21.09.2024
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Автор Нік Харріс
Видавництво Cambridge University Press
Рік видання 2016
Палітурка м'яка
ISBN 9781107621619
Кількість сторінок 24
Мова англійська
Серія Cambridge Discovery Interactive Readers
Рівень по CEFR Елементарний рівень — Elementary level (A1-A2) , Поч. cередній рівень — Pre-Intermediate (A2-B1)
Категорія Адаптовані книги англійською мовою
Артикул 905472
Нік Харріс - «CDIR Level A2. The Greatest Invention of All Time (Book with Online Access)»
216 грн

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Про що книга «CDIR Level A2. The Greatest Invention of All Time (Book with Online Access)» автора Нік Харріс

Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers - це нова серія адаптованих текстів: цікаві теми, ефективні відеоматеріали, інтерактивні вправи, які спрямовані на розвиток мотивації і бажання студентів брати участь в навчальному процесі.

96 захоплюючих текстів, розбитих за рівнями складності (від А1 до В2 +), в супроводі відеоматеріалів від Discovery Education інтегровані в педагогічний процес.

-від акул і алігаторів до торнадо і історії Арона Ларстона - широкий спектр тем, які привернуть увагу учнів

-цікаві відеоматеріали і інтерактивні вправи надають студентам можливість розвиватися самостійно, що відповідає нормам сучасного навчання

-інтерактивні ресурси навчання залучать учнів в процес читання. Для максимальної зручності всі матеріали можуть бути використані на комп'ютерах, планшетах і смартфонах.

Посібники із серії «Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers» рівня «A2»:

  • CDIR Level A2. Aliens: Is Anybody Out There? (Book with Online Access) - Are humans alone in the universe, or is intelligent life out there somewhere? Find out how people throughout the years have explored this age-old question. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Word count: 1934.
  • CDIR Level A2. Empire: Rise and Fall (Book with Online Access) - From Egyptian pyramids to Mayan temples, from Roman statues to the English language, our world's greatest empires still influence us today. This reader examines the history and legacy of several of the most influential empires. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Word count: 1869.
  • CDIR Level A2. How Cool is Cold! (Book with Online Access) - Cold places, cold-blooded animals, catching a cold, getting cold feet - how many ways are there to be cold? Word count: 1956.
  • CDIR Level A2. Madagascar (Book with Online Access) - Madagascar has unique wildlife, beautiful forests, and a booming tourism industry. Come explore this fascinating island! Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Word count: 1796.
  • CDIR Level A2. Medicine: Old and New (Book with Online Access) - Doctors today don't use leeches. Long ago, there were no big drug companies. But acupuncture, an ancient practice, is still helping people. Follow how medicine has - and has not - changed over time. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Word count: 2011.
  • CDIR Level A2. Slice by Slice: The Story of Pizza (Book with Online Access) - Everyone loves a good pizza! But where did pizza begin? Is it good for us? Learn all about one of our favorite foods. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Word count: 1804.
  • CDIR Level A2. Slime: The Wonderful World of Mucus (Book with Online Access) - It's snot easy to find a reader this entertaining! Learn about mucus in humans and animals, and even in the laws of our countries! Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Word count: 1727.
  • CDIR Level A2. Swing, Slither, Swim (Book with Online Access) - Animals find many interesting and efficient ways of moving. This reader discusses how the creatures of our planet navigate the water, land, and air in unexpected and unique ways. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises.Word count: 1751.
  • CDIR Level A2. The Greatest Invention of All Time (Book with Online Access) - Determining the greatest invention of all time invites the greatest debate. From the internet to antibiotics, this reader explores our most significant contributions to education, technology, medicine, and transportation. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Word count: 1622.
  • CDIR Level A2. The Magic of Music (Book with Online Access) - Music has always been important to people - and some animals! Explore the many ways music affects us, from whale songs to Yo-Yo Ma. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Word count: 2088.
  • CDIR Level A2. The Science of Heat (Book with Online Access) - What does the word 'hot' mean? From the Sahara Desert to heatstroke, from temperature to emotions, learn how heat affects our world. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Word count: 1881.
  • CDIR Level A2. Three in One: The Challenge of the Triathlon (Book with Online Access) - A triathlon is one of the most demanding races a person can undertake. This reader explores some of the most famous and extreme triathlons around the world, including the Ironman and the Ultraman, along with some amazing competitors. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Word count: 1949.
  • CDIR Level A2. Water: Vital for Life (Book with Online Access) - Water is one of the most essential ingredients for life on Earth. This reader looks at water in all its forms - in the air, on the ground, in the oceans, in our pipes - and explains how water keeps our lives moving. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Word count: 1881.
  • CDIR Level A2. Weird Animals (Book with Online Access) - Penguins that exchange wedding rings? A fish that doesn't swim? Learn all about the bizarre and unexpected behavior of animals from around the world. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Word count: 1993.
  • CDIR Level A2. What Are the Odds? From Shark Attack to Lightning Strike (Book with Online Access) - What are the odds that you will be struck by lightning? Attacked by a shark? Become a superstar? This reader analyzes the chances of the incredible. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Word count: 2014.
  • CDIR Level A2. What Makes a Place Special? (Book with Online Access) - Learn what it's like to live in the tundra, beside ancient pyramids, or near the Great Barrier Reef! Explore the food, clothing, architecture, and wildlife of these three special places. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Word count: 1866.

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Нік Харріс

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Нік Харріс

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Нік Харріс

CDIR Level A2. Empire: Rise and...
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Нік Харріс

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