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Vintage — видавничий дочірній підрозділ «Penguin Random House», заснований 1954-го року Альфредом А. Нопфом. Специфікою проєкту є друк книжок виключно у м’яких обкладинках англійською мовою.

Книги видавництва Vintage

Ювал Ной Харарі
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2017-2022 Категорія: Non-fiction іноземними мовами
ПРО КНИЖКУ WAR IS OBSOLETE You are more likely to commit suicide than be killed in conflict FAMINE IS DISAPPEARING You are at more risk of obesity than starvation DEATH IS JUST A TECHNICAL PROBLEM Equality is out, but immortality is in WHAT DOES OUR FUTURE HOLD?
611 грн
Харукі Муракамі
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2024 Категорія: Сучасна література
A unique look at the craft of writing from a bestelling master of storytelling. In this engaging book, the internationally best-selling author shares with readers what he thinks about being a novelist; his thoughts on the role of the novel in our society; his own origins as a writer; and his
563 грн
Ювал Ной Харарі
Рейтинг: 4.8 (1 відгук)
Рік видання: 2016 Категорія: Non-fiction іноземними мовами
ПРО КНИЖКУ Human history has been shaped by three major revolutions: the Cognitive Revolution (70,000 years ago), the Agricultural Revolution (10,000 years ago), and the Scientific Revolution (500 years ago). These revolutions have empowered humans to do something no other form of life has
611 грн
Тімоті Снайдер
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2015 Категорія: Non-fiction іноземними мовами
In the middle of Europe, in the middle of the twentieth century, the Nazi and Soviet regimes murdered fourteen million people in the bloodlands between Berlin and Moscow. In a twelve-year-period, in these killing fields - today's Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Western Russia and the eastern Baltic coast
611 грн
Джаред Даймонд
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2013 Категорія: Non-fiction іноземними мовами
ПРО КНИЖКУ Why has human history unfolded so differently across the globe? In his Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Jared Diamond puts the case that geography and biogeography, not race, moulded the contrasting fates of Europeans, Asians, Native Americans, sub-Saharan Africans, and aboriginal
611 грн
Дейв Еґґерс
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2013 Категорія: Сучасна література
A Hologram for the King takes us around the world to show how one man fights to hold himself and his splintering family together in the face of the global economy's gale-force winds. In a rising Saudi Arabian city, far from weary, recession-scarred America, a struggling businessman pursues a
372 грн
Бетан Робертс
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2022 Категорія: Сучасна література
This love is all-consuming It is in 1950s' Brighton that Marion first catches sight of the handsome and enigmatic Tom. He teaches her to swim in the shadow of the pier and Marion is smitten - determined her love will be enough for them both. A few years later in Brighton Museum Patrick meets
421 грн
Пол Каланіті
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2017-2022 Категорія: Non-fiction іноземними мовами
ПРО КНИЖКУ At the age of thirty-six, on the verge of completing a decade’s worth of training as a neurosurgeon, Paul Kalanithi was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. One day he was a doctor treating the dying, and the next he was a patient struggling to live. And just like that, the future he
516 грн
Оушен Вуонг
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2020 Категорія: Сучасна література
This is a letter from a son to a mother who cannot read. Written when the speaker, Little Dog, is in his late twenties, the letter unearths a family’s history that began before he was born. It tells of Vietnam, of the lasting impact of war, and of his family’s struggle to forge a new future. And it
469 грн
Йоко Огава
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2020 Категорія: Детектив. Трилер
Hat, ribbon, bird rose. To the people on the island, a disappeared thing no longer has any meaning. It can be burned in the garden, thrown in the river or handed over to the Memory Police. Soon enough, the island forgets it ever existed. When a young novelist discovers that her editor is in
469 грн
Вірджинія Вульф
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2016 Категорія: Класика
The Waves is an astonishingly beautiful and poetic novel. It begins with six children playing in a garden by the sea and follows their lives as they grow up and experience friendship, love and grief at the death of their beloved friend Percival. Regarded by many as her greatest work, The Waves is
421 грн
Харукі Муракамі
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2012 Категорія: Сучасна література
ПРО КНИЖКУ The year is 1Q84. This is the real world, there is no doubt about that. But in this world, there are two moons in the sky. In this world, the fates of two people, Tengo and Aomame, are closely intertwined. They are each, in their own way, doing something very dangerous. And
797 грн
Джуліан Барнз
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2021 Категорія: Non-fiction іноземними мовами
The Booker Prize-winning author of The Sense of an Ending takes us on a rich, witty tour of Belle Epoque Paris, via the life story of the pioneering surgeon Samuel Pozzi. In the summer of 1885, three Frenchmen arrived in London for a few days' shopping. One was a Prince, one was a Count, and the
516 грн
Вірджинія Вульф
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2016 Категорія: Класика
Virginia Woolf's most unusual and fantastic creation, a funny, exuberant tale that examines the very nature of sexuality. As his tale begins, Orlando is a passionate young nobleman whose days are spent in rowdy revelry, filled with the colourful delights of Queen Elizabeth's court. By the close,
451 грн
Джуліан Барнз
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2019 Категорія: Сучасна література
Would you rather love the more, and suffer the more; or love the less, and suffer the less? That is, I think, finally, the only real question. First love has lifelong consequences, but Paul doesn’t know anything about that at nineteen. At nineteen, he’s proud of the fact his relationship flies in
451 грн
Ієн Мак'юен
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2018 Категорія: Сучасна література
Fiona Maye, a leading High Court judge, renowned for her fierce intelligence and sensitivity is called on to try an urgent case. For religious reasons, a seventeen-year-old boy is refusing the medical treatment that could save his life. Time is running out. She visits the boy in hospital - an
469 грн
Джуліан Барнз
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2008 Категорія: Сучасна література
Winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2011. As every schoolboy knows, you can fit the whole of England on the Isle of White. Grotesque, visionary tycoon Sir Jack Pitman takes the saying literally and does exactly that. He constructs on the island 'The Project', a vast heritage centre
469 грн
Імоджен Гермес Говар
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2019 Категорія: Фантастика. Фентезі
A cracking historical novel - with a twinge of the surreal - about passion and obsession' The Times SHORLISTED FOR THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2018 One September evening in 1785, the merchant Jonah Hancock finds one of his captains waiting eagerly on his doorstep. He has sold Jonah's ship for
378 грн
Джуліан Барнз
Рейтинг: 5.0
Рік видання: 2014 Категорія: Сучасна література
Part history, part fiction, part memoir, Levels of Life is a powerfully personal and unforgettable book, and an immediate classic on the subject of grief. Levels of Life opens in the nineteenth century with balloonists, photographers, and Sarah Bernhardt, whose adventures lead seamlessly into an
469 грн
Ієн Мак'юен
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2011 Категорія: Non-fiction іноземними мовами
ПРО КНИЖКУ Michael Beard is a Nobel prize-winning physicist whose best work is behind him. Trading on his reputation, he speaks for enormous fees, lends his name to the letterheads of renowned scientific institutions and half-heartedly heads a government-backed initiative tackling global
252 грн

Про видавництво Vintage

Спеціалізується на виданні класичної та сучасної літератури у м’якій обкладинці. Серед опублікованих книг — художні твори і нонфікшн, видання на мілітарну тематику, мотиваційні книжки та історії для дітей. Авторами, книжки яких вийшли друком у видавничому домі й користуються популярністю серед читачів, є Тімоті Снайдер, Ювал Ной Харарі, Вірджинія Вульф, Джуліан Барнз, Ієн Мак’юен, Маргарет Етвуд, Гелен Філдінґ, Рут Беа, Фенні Флеґґ, Ерін Морґенштерн, Харукі Муракамі та інші.

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