Автор | Роджер Говер , Ян Белл |
Видавництво | Pearson Education |
Рік видання | 1992 |
Палітурка | м’яка |
ISBN | 9780582046665 |
Кількість сторінок | 96 |
Мова | English |
Серія | Matters |
Рівень по CEFR | Рівень професійного володіння — Upper-Intermediate |
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Matters is The course features motivating topics, engaging activities and thorough language work. Sound grammar input, balanced coverage of the four language skills and systematic vocabulary development. Matters builds on the integrated balanced approach established in Matters with an emphasis on meeting the needs of higher-level learners through content, grammar, pronunciation and writing. Topics address both light-hearted and more serious subjects including real, challenging issues that demand an imaginative response.
Language sections compare, contrast end extend the key grammar points required at this level. Pronunciation is integrated into the skills work with particular emphasis on connected speech and intonation. The writing syllabus combines work on text organization, discourse grammar and functions.
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