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Софі Аллан

Книга «The Solar System: Discover the Mysteries of Our Sun and Neighbouring Planets (Space Explorers)»

Тип книги:

Паперова 665 грн
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Автор Софі Аллан
Видавництво DK Children
Рік видання 2023
Палітурка тверда
ISBN 978-024-1631-29-4
Кількість сторінок 80
Мова англійська
Розмір 236 х 287 мм
Категорія Дитячі книжки англійською мовою
Артикул 947002
Софі Аллан - «The Solar System: Discover the Mysteries of Our Sun and Neighbouring Planets (Space Explorers)»
665 грн

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Про що книга «The Solar System: Discover the Mysteries of Our Sun and Neighbouring Planets (Space Explorers)» автора Софі Аллан

Discover our expansive solar system in this breathtaking journey into space.

This charming book is the perfect introduction for young readers who want to learn about our local star - the Sun - and the planets that orbit it. The Solar System covers space in thrilling detail and is the perfect book for space lovers everywhere. Packed with mind-blowing facts, this incredible book of the solar system is perfect for space lovers everywhere.

This fascinating guide introduces 7-9 year-olds to the birth of the Sun and the solar system, then continues on a journey through space. They discover the smallest planet, rocky Mercury, which is closest to the Sun, and Venus, the hottest planet. There is also Mars, with its polar ice caps and volcanoes, and Jupiter, with its swirling storm clouds. Then readers venture further into space to explore the icy giants of outer space.

This wonderful space book for kids offers:

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