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Книга «The Car Book: The Definitive Visual History»

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Паперова 1 239 грн
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Відправка: 25.06.2024
Наш Формат
Видавництво Dorling Kindersley
Рік видання 2022
Палітурка тверда
ISBN 9780241446577
Кількість сторінок 368
Мова англійська
Розмір 221 х 262 мм
Категорія Довідники
Артикул 929487
«The Car Book: The Definitive Visual History»
1 239 грн

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Відповідно до Постанови Кабінету Міністрів України від 19 березня 1994 р. №172, друковані видання належної якості обміну (поверненню) не підлягають.

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У вівторок (25.06.2024)

Про що книга «The Car Book: The Definitive Visual History»

Strap yourself in for an unforgettable ride through motoring history

From the earliest "horseless carriage" to the modern supercar, this lavishly illustrated history of the automobile is packed with everything you need to know about classic cars through the ages.

Filled with stunning photography, and featuring more than 2,000 models, Car shows you how cars have evolved around the world over the last 130 years, and their impact on society as objects of curiosity, status symbols, and items of necessity.

Journey back into automotive history and you will find:

  • In-depth profiles highlighting the most important cars of each period
  • Virtual photographic tours of some of the most iconic cars from the Ferrari F40 to the Rolls Royce Silver Ghost
  • A decade-by-decade history told in stunning visual detail
  • Illustrated feature spreads detailing the evolution of legendary brands from Aston Martin, to Porsche and Cadillac
  • A timeline of the milestone developments in car manufacturing and technology
  • See the world's most innovative machines come to life!

From India's Hindustan Ambassador to Italy's Fiat 500, this book will transport you all over the world, taking a truly international view of the greatest cars through time

Immerse yourself in the stories of the people and companies at the heart of the billion-dollar motoring industry. Covering sports cars, convertibles, and today's environmentally-friendly electric models, no other car catalogue provides such a comprehensive picture of the car world.

This new and improved edition includes hybrid and electric cars, as well as looking forward to the "driverless" technologies of tomorrow.

So buckle-up and get ready for the journey of a lifetime! The ultimate gift for anyone interested in cars, motoring, and motor racing, this iconic celebration of automotive design is sure to inform and amaze all readers.

Interested in all things transit and travel?

There's more to discover in this epic series from DK Books! Take an action-packed flight through the history of air travel in Aircraft, and be inspired by the world's most renowned rail routes in Train.

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