Видавництво | Dorling Kindersley |
Рік видання | 2019 |
Палітурка | тверда |
ISBN | 9780241363171 |
Кількість сторінок | 320 |
Мова | англійська |
Розмір | 196 х 234 мм |
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Відповідно до Постанови Кабінету Міністрів України від 19 березня 1994 р. №172, друковані видання належної якості обміну (поверненню) не підлягають.
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Explore the lives and achievements of more than 85 of the world's most inspirational and influential leaders with this innovative, and boldly graphic biography-led book.
Comprehensive in its scope and depth, and fully illustrated, Leaders profiles leaders from all walks of life - kings, queens, and political leaders; military leaders; religious icons, revolutionaries, and business leaders.
Combining accessible text with specially-commissioned illustrated portraits in a range of bold artwork styles, photographs, and infographics, these entries showcase each individual in a fresh, visual way. Covering political masterminds and military geniuses such as Alexander the Great or Genghis Khan, great kings, queens, and rulers like Elizabeth I or Cleopatra, icons of religion and rebellion from Muhammad to Mohandas Gandhi to Emmeline Pankhurst, and inspirational captains of industry, Leaders explores and explains the groundbreaking contributions made by these men and women and their legacies.
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