Автор | Маріан Кейс |
Видавництво | Penguin Books Ltd |
Рік видання | 2006 |
Палітурка | м’яка |
ISBN | 9780141025742 |
Кількість сторінок | 394 |
Мова | English |
Рівень по CEFR | Просунутий рівень — Intermediate level (B1) |
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Slide "Further Under the Duvet", get yourself comfortable and let Marian take you places you've never been before. Places like the Irish air-guitar championships, a shopping trip to Bloomingdales with a difference and Cannes with a chronic case of Villa-itis. Along the way you'll encounter knicker-politics, fake tans, sticky-out ears and passionate love affairs both with make-up and Toblerones. And of course, agony aunt, Mammy Walsh is on hand to solve all your problems. Hilarious and poignant, down-to-earth and moving, Marian's long-awaited second volume of journalism and previously unpublished writing is the modern woman's perfect companion. So put the kettle on and grab that Kit Kat Chunky everything else will wait.
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