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Електронна книга «Ukraine aflame. War Chronicles: Month 1. Speeches and addresses by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy»

Тип книги:

Електронна 115 грн
Книга в наявності
Наш Формат
Вид Електронний контент
Тематика Суспільство. Держава. Філософія. Історія
Видавництво Фоліо
Рік видання 2022
ISBN 978-617-551-049-0
Кількість сторінок 383
Мова англійська
Категорія Електронні книжки
Артикул 628268
«Ukraine aflame. War Chronicles: Month 1. Speeches and addresses by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy»
115 грн

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Про електронну книгу «Ukraine aflame. War Chronicles: Month 1. Speeches and addresses by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy»: опис, факти, цитати

The morning of February 24, 2022, when Ukrainian cities were woken up by explosions, had been expected to be a blitzkrieg to conquer the country by killing civilians and destroying cities. However, Ukrainians courageously and fearlessly resisted. The Kremlin failed to fulfil its plan of the fast conquest and coup d’tat in Ukraine. The key obstacles for the invaders were the solidarity of Ukrainians and the stamina of the Ukrainian Armed Forces together with other defenders. Therewith, the cost of resistance was estimated at thousands of civilian casualties, ruined lives for the millions of Ukrainians due to the loss of their beloved, homes, and peaceful life.

The documentary chronicles of the large-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine reminds the reader of the tragic and heroic events of the first month of the war. It contains chronologically ordered publications of daily news, reports from the official resources, speeches and addresses of the Ukrainian President.

This book is a reminder to the global community of the fact that Russia-Ukraine war continues and Ukrainians have been fighting for the welfare of Europe.

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