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Юрій Сорока

Електронна книга «100 Key Events in Ukrainian History»

Тип книги:

Електронна 100 грн
Книга в наявності
Наш Формат
Вид Електронний контент
Тематика Суспільство. Держава. Філософія. Історія
Автор Юрій Сорока
Видавництво Фоліо
Рік видання 2019
ISBN 978-966-03-8550-4
Кількість сторінок 208
Мова українська
Серія True History Series
Категорія Електронні книжки
Артикул 627757
Юрій Сорока - «100 Key Events in Ukrainian History»
100 грн

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Про електронну книгу «100 Key Events in Ukrainian History» від автора Юрій Сорока: опис, факти, цитати

The history of Ukraine resembles a half-uncharted map. This is not a mere coincidence, but the result of the deliberate public policy. Hundreds of various people serving their mother countries have been working hard on those blank spots for centuries. Those myth and fake news makers have done their best to make our history, as well as Ukraine itself, look in descendants’ eyes the way preferred by those who tried to assimilate the heritage of Kyivan Rus. However, time always puts everything in its place. So this book is an attempt to collect the events that have shaped the Ukraine we know today and will promote its further development.

We sought to focus on positive events in Ukrainian history, in other words, on victories. The image of our country as a helpless continuously suffering victim that always sings sad songs and is incapable of confronting external pressure has been exploited for a long time. In fact, an insight into the actual history of Ukraine proves this image to be false. The voice of the past provides us with dozens of chronicles, documents and historical studies. Courageous heroes, strong warriors, talented artists, prominent statesmen, unrivalled philosophers and scholars — those have been the people creating our history. And, naturally, they and their achievements must be revealed and popularized. This work is an effort to unite in a single volume the highlights of our historic heritage and show that, against all odds, Ukraine remembers its past and intends to build its own bright future, considering the extensive rich experience that has been gained.

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