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Ян Вібров

Книги Яна Віброва

Ян Вібров
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2007 Категорія: Дитячі книжки англійською мовою
This humorous story with a familiar setting, told from her older brother's point of view, reveals baby Ella's love of reading books. But when Ella is as fierce as the tiger in the book she is reading she makes a woman faint, and nearly causes a policeman to arrest her. However the woman recognises
240 грн
Ян Вібров
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2012 Категорія: Дитячі книжки англійською мовою
An engaging workbook for children who are using the Big Cat series. These workbooks accompany the popular Collins Big Cat series. They enable children to practise and reinforce the target vocabulary and language structures presented in each corresponding Collins Big Cat reader through enjoyable
120 грн
Ян Вібров
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2010 Категорія: Дитячі книжки англійською мовою
The steam train is pulling out of the station, it heads to the hills, into a rainstorm, through a tunnel and out the other side into the sunshine and to the seaside. Follow the rhythm and the rhyme of this simple poem and travel with the train on its wonderful adventure, beautifully illustrated by
220 грн
Ян Вібров
Рейтинг: 4.8
Рік видання: 2019 Категорія: Дитячі книжки англійською мовою
Help the Christmas Bear find his way from Santa's workshop to Tom's house in time for Christmas morning, in this fun sticker activity book, based on the bestselling festive favourite, The Christmas Bear by Ian Whybrow and Axel Scheffler. Packed with games, activities and over four hundred
252 грн

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