The year is 1868 and fourteen-year-old Sherlock Holmes faces his most baffling mystery yet. Mycroft, his older brother, has been found with a knife in his hand, locked in a room with a corpse. Only Sherlock believes that his brother is innocent. But can he prove it?
In a chase that will take him
"The second book in a series of mystery adventures featuring a teenage
Sherlock and endorsed by the Conan Doyle Estate, now with a new cover look."
The world’s most famous detective. The most brilliant mind in fiction. But before he became the great detective, who was young Sherlock Holmes?
The year is 1868, and Sherlock Holmes is fourteen. His life is that of a perfectly ordinary army officer’s son: boarding school, good manners, a classical education – the backbone of the British Empire. But all that is about to change. With his father suddenly posted to India, and his mother